
Here's What's In Store...

Hi Tory,

It's been a bit of a roller coaster for the last couple of weeks, but I've also been working on the blog changes in the background, to bring everyone an even better experience - more tutorials, more tips, and more fun.

Today the new era kicks off, so I thought I'd give you all a run down of the changes I'm making and how I see the next year turning out!

today the new era kicks off

I always wanted the blog and the YouTube channel to be a way to instantly connect with people, and to give out as much help and advice as I could - I've managed to learn, grow and pick up tips and tricks along the way too, which has been so wonderful. The last two weeks in the theatre were an amazing experience, and there will be a lot more of that to come with the possibility of me sharing what I'm learning along the way. (I'll post a picture of the work I did for the production below - bear scars!)

The New and Improved Makeup Tips for My Sister will include:

  • Regular daily interaction on my Twitter channel, sharing trends and tips, asking questions, answering questions, and generally chatting
  • A regular weekly schedule of posts that breaks down as follows: Monday is Reviews, Tuesday is Makeup Tutorials, Wednesday is Nail Tutorials, Thursday is Throwback Thursday when I show you retro looks and tips, and Friday is General Tips and Techniques.
  • Posts and videos with looks will have a clear indication of how much it will cost you to replicate the tutorial from scratch, so I'm thinking of your budget!
  • Lots more photos of products and looks!
  • I've set up folders on the Facebook Page so that you get photos of looks that I've done and looks that I'm thinking of doing, and there will also be a folder so that YOU can post pictures of looks you'd like me to recreate or products you'd like me to review.
  • I'll also be interacting more on the Facebook Page!
  • There are links in the menu bar with the different ways to follow Makeup Tips for My Sister to make it super easy!
  • And finally.... the BIG news needs a paragraph all of its own....
Here's the BIG news. I always wanted Makeup Tips for My Sister to be a fully interactive experience and a way of sharing, so with that in mind I'm setting up something exclusive for my lovely followers. In order to gain access to this, you need to join the mailing list (the link is in the menu above). Every month I'll be doing exclusive, mailing list only videos and give aways by way of a thank you to the subscribers. Each newsletter will have additional content that you won't get on the blog, along with links to catch up on the month's posts and videos. So... subscribe now - it'll be worth it!

One More Thing...

  • I'm doing some research and investigation into Kryolan makeup for theatre work - if anyone has experience of this, message me!
  • My Bourjois nail polish remover has been going strong since October and shows no signs of giving up, so a top product there!
  • The TOWIE eye shadopw palettes had all sold out. Insert sad face here.
  • Here's what I've been doing for the last two weeks: bear claw scars and bruising on Actor Supreme, Tobias Clay!

Hugs and kisses,

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